Dr. Deborah Shapiro

Dr. Deborah Shapiro, PhD, Professor, Georgia State University

Deborah Shapiro is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA.  Her primary research focuses on sport pedagogy and how psychosocial factors influence physical health, well-being. and sport participation of youth athletes with disabilities.  Dr. Shapiro has a secondary research focus in sport management with an emphasis on adapted and inclusive campus recreation programming and the advancement of disability sport in sport management curriculum. She has published in leading peer review journals in adapted physical education, recreation, and sport management. Dr. Shapiro has received several awards for her scholarship and leadership in the field of adapted physical activity including: the Hollis Fait Scholarly Contribution award, the William A. Hillman Distinguished Service award, and the ASPIRE award for advocacy.

Dr. Shapiro is the program coordinator for the undergraduate Health and Physical Education Program and the PhD concentration in physical education teacher education.  She teaches undergraduate courses in adapted physical education, disability sport, and motor development and graduate classes in adapted physical education, and action research. Dr. Shapiro serves on the board of directors for the American Association of Adapted Sports Programs, is a founding board member and board chair of the Georgia Blind Sports Association and member of several national and international groups focused on the advancement of sport, physical activity and physical education for persons with disabilities. Dr. Shapiro served as chair of the Adapted Physical Education Special Interest Group through SHAPE America and as associate editor and current editorial board member for the Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.


Ph.D., Adapted Physical Education, Motor Development and Educational Psychology, Indiana University

M.S., Adapted Physical Education and Motor Development, Michigan State University

B.A. Honors., Physical Education and Psychology, York University

Full Bio:  https://education.gsu.edu/profile/deborah-shapiro/