Dr. Sean Healy

Dr. Sean Healy

Dr. Sean Healy is an Assistant Professor of Health Behavior Science and the Director for the Health, Physical Activity, and Disability minor in the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition at the University of Delaware. Previously, Dr. Healy worked as an Assistant Professor at Humboldt State University, CA (2015-2017). Dr. Healy received his masters in Adapted Physical Activity from the University of Leuven, Belgium and PhD from the University of Virginia.

Dr. Healy’s overarching research goal is to deepen our understanding of health and health behavior (e.g. physical inactivity and sedentary behavior) disparities among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and refine the use of scalable and sustainable interventions to increase physical activity among this population. Specifically, Dr. Healy conducts research with three aims in mind: (1) Engage people with ASD in qualitative research to understand and amplify their perspectives of health, and the multi-level factors that influence their health behaviors; (2) Use time-use epidemiological approaches to assess the multi-level determinants of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep; and (3) Use mixed-method research methods to refine and test web-based, parent-mediated interventions to increase physical activity among youth with developmental disabilities. Dr. Healy received the David P. Beaver Adapted Physical Activity Professional Young Scholar Award in 2017. He is the Books & Media Review Editor for Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly and on the editorial board of Palaestra.

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Google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ik4Bda4AAAAJ&hl=en

Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sean_Healy10