Lana Rutledge

Lana Rutledge, MS, Texas Woman’s University 

Lana is a doctoral student in Adapted Physical Activity at Texas Woman’s University, with a concurrent second Master of Public Health. Her research is directed at the participation options and clinical health outcomes for persons with limb loss transitioning from public services into adulthood and through lifespan. She received her bachelor’s degree in Exercise Sport Science from St Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. She completed her Master of Science in Exercise Physiology at Texas Woman’s University in May 2020. 

Lana is a proud, protected US Army veteran, serving under the OIF and OEF campaigns, as Medical Laboratory Technician (91K) under MEDCOM and the 3rd ID.  She has been a teacher and coach since the age of 22, A&P and GPE in high school and allied health programs for adult learners. She coached a variety of sports in the HS, MS, and NCAA college (softball) environments. As a RMA, Lana had co-founded and led curriculum and instruction for several allied healthcare training programs for medical assistants and phlebotomists. She is a member, volunteer, and/or avid supporter of the following organizations: SVA-TWU, Women Veterans Association, Chapter 48, Denton, TX, and She has done the majority of her interning at Adaptive Training Foundation and REACT Neurorestorative Rehab.